New small ISL trackplan - need feedback
Hello folks,

I'm currently planning a small ISL to play around with and I would like your feedback on the layout I have drawn. As I'm a beginner when it comes to layout construction I have decided its best to test my skills on something small.

A little bit of info:
- Scenic area is approximately 5 feet long by 1 1/2 feet wide (see grid on drawing).
- Overpass to "hide" track to staging.
- Modern rolling stock. I model European railroad, but the principles of switcing layouts are basically the same.
- Requirement that it must be easily portable and can be setup in short time for a quick evening operating session.

What I would like to know if there is anything you would modify to improve operations, because thats the area where I'm really a newbie. I have been fascinated with switching layouts for quite some time, but I have very little experience myself with operations and it would be a shame to build a layout only to find that operations are too limited.

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[Image: 2eltggj.jpg]

Thank you!

Best regards,
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