HO Decals for a modernized 40 Foot Boxcar
A lot of modernized 40-foot boxcars didn't get repainted, so you've got a choice of using any old scheme you can dig up decals for -- this CP box looks like it's in a 1950s scheme:
For later schemes, there are plenty like Microscale 87-251 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.microscale.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=87-251&Category_Code=BN&Product_Count=12">http://www.microscale.com/Merchant2/mer ... t_Count=12</a><!-- m --> you might want to poke around the Fallen Flags site and see what you come up with for PC, IC/ICG, Santa Fe, etc. Microscale is a good source, but there are lots of smaller operators out there, too.

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