Freelance 2013-2 (MAW)
I paint the walls with a basic brick color -- often I use Floquil Zinc Chromate Primer, but with Floquil going away, I'm going to have to find another color, maybe some sort of rattle-can red primer. There are various things you can do for mortar, from commercial products to washes of light gray paint. I think I did this one with a commercial product. I've read lately about using baking soda, too, just rubbing it into the mortar lines. Then I dust the wall with brick-colored chalk.

I should really follow up with a thin black or dark gray wash, but haven't done that too much.
now that I look at the photo, you can see a brick wall behind the roundhouse that I've used a black wash on after the rest, weathering the sign as well as the brick.

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