Freelance 2013-2 (MAW)
I have a question about possible engines to be used on my layout.

There are four Athearn SOO bandit MP15AC on my roster. WSOR got a nice batch of those bandits and patched them for a while until they got the red WSOR scheme. That triggers two questions

1. Did SOO use it's former MILW bandits MP15AC to run locals in an area similar to mine (I know it is not Ohio)?
2. Runs WSOR locals with MP15AC in an area like my small town in Wisconsin?

1. I am under the impression SOO used the MP15AC mainly in urban areas (e.g. Chicago) and in larger yards only.
2. I can not find enough photo of WSOR locals with MP15AC only to proof they have been (as bandits) and are still (in WSOR red scheme) used to run locals.
3. I am thinking to use the nice models either as is (SOO) or put a simple patch on the patch and use them as WSOR "IF" SOO or WSOR used them to run locals in rural areas like on my layout.

Thanks for your help.

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