A second start for my "White Swan" reefers
E-paw, thank you very much.

Wayne, thanks for your lauding comment - and more yet for your friendly and helpful explanation.
Yes, you are right. I should look on Shorpy, a source without ending of information. Best of all is last picture with ribs between the plank ends or more correct I think steel belts for saving the plank ends.
Pictures will help to finish this first test sample and my four more models.
Thanks again - and more pictures will follow!

And an addition - wood planks on a plastic model?
Ok, it was my intention to built them from wood 'for a more realistic aging'. You are right I could build the roofwalks from plastic also. But it was my specific connection with wood for this decision.
First test have shown that the wood strips are fixed absolutely strong to styrene by use of an AC glue. The nails are only an adornment but they are a very good addition for a more realistic look of these models. And, I admit it, I look like always new challenges for my model projects. I hope for good luck.

And a second addition:
I modified my drawing a bit (last picture of my last post) and now I have found my solution. I will realize the roofwalk after scheme no. 4 - as seen on car left of mentioned picture. Ok, and thanks for this simple solution.
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website www.us-modelsof1900.de.
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.

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