finally building layout
Josh, your bridge looks good, but I doubt that it's real-world counterpart could support such a load. The logs forming the span are supported only at the ends, and even if they could support the weight (not likely), they should be situated below the area where the rails would be, not at the ends of the ties.
Instead of a pair of poles at both ends, a number of driven pole piles, capped with 12"x12" (or larger) cut timbers would have provided good support while still maintaining the rustic charm of wood construction. For the actual span, either a pair of steel girders (Micro Engineering has them in 30' and 50' lengths) or a wooden truss would provide the support needed.
I'd suggest re-engineering this bridge for use as one for vehicles, and perhaps, while you're strengthening it, narrow it so that it's only a single lane wide.
Plausible engineering, combined with your obvious modelling skills, will lift this from "nice work" to "wow, that really looks believable!".


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