ACTRR is being dismantled and re-constructed
Hi Mike,

That's quite an ambitious plan you have there, but I think the results will make it worth while Thumbsup and with the length of trains you run, I don't think you will have any problems with either the radius or grade you propose.

I would give serious consideration to the thickness of your combined track and roadbed. These will determine what grade you have to use given your radius, and/or the amount of 'finger room' between layers that you have to deal with any issues. If the thickness can be reduced at all it will pay dividends in the long run. For that reason, I would personally not use Kato uni-track with it's built in road bed, but go with 'bare' track direct to the sub roadbed.

That said, you seem to have done your calculations, so go with what works for you, and remember, the hardest step it the first! I'll watch your progress with interest.


Such is life

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