CNR Bachmann GP9
jwb Wrote:Looking over some of those photos, it seems like the units built for CN also had the upper louver sets that normally appear on US GP9s deleted so they wouldn't interfere with the CN road name in the green scheme. This is another thing you'd have to deal with if you wanted to be 100% correct. On the other hand, looking at green-scheme CN GP9 photos, it seems like after a couple of years, they were so grimy that no two had exactly the same shade of green, which is one more reason I haven't felt too bad about leaving my unit in factory paint and matching the added details as best I could. (For that matter, I see in a few photos that CN exchanged louver doors among GP7s and 9s now and then, too.)

Yep, I've seen the louvers location is partially wrong. And no, when I think about the hours I would spend on that to get a so-so result I prefer to keep my sanity (which is running low 35 ). IMHO, I think the most important fact is that most important details, the ones a railfan with an average knowledge with recongnizes are there: it include a correct paint scheme, correct location of number board, headlight, horn and hatches. In that respect, louvers are VEEEERRRYYYYY low in my ranking. Honestly, I only noticed them when I tried to differenciate a GP7 from a GP9! Who cares? Not me! But I have problems with the wrong location of the company name... Honestly, why Bachmann bothered replicating a GP7 paint scheme on a GP9 mesmerize me... CN had hundreds of GP9 and only a few GP7. How can you pick up the anecdotal instead of the general? ;-) But I won't ask too much from a toy maker. I'm still happy the model itself is more than decent for my purpose.

About the green shade, you're right. Hardly an engine is identical to another after a few years. Climate, weather pattern, sun exposition, contamination, type of dust in the area, name it! and who painted it too. Anyway, just look at any consist on the rail with matching locomotives. You get all kind of color after a while. Just think of CP Rail Action Red can go real bad depending where and who painted it.

If I had to weather the stock Bachmann engine, I would fade the colors with titanium white before doing any weathering on it. It would help blend together everything. And also paint the frame, running boards and pilots in black. I'm curious, anybody did it?

And now for some excused photos:

[Image: IMG_3130b_zps8f678149.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3131b_zps3a6ddbc9.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3132b_zps939c323e.jpg]

If I feel ashamed to ruin a gold & green scheme for a black wet noodle? Honestly? Yes!!!!!!

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