Hedley Junction

Old Limoilou yard and it's #4 turnouts and Life-Like brass 9" tracks is gone since yesterday.

[Image: IMG_3167b_zps445e4b2c.jpg]

We had to pound with many alternatives. At one time, a biking trail was seriously considered:

[Image: IMG_3174_zps8513440d.jpg]

Also the option to use the old roadbed for a new boulevard... no easy choices!

[Image: IMG_3175b_zps582654c5.jpg]

Finally, we went with the unpopular one: the train!

The first thing we did was to enlarge the tunnel hidden by the underpass. We thought it would gave use more flexibility for the yard.

Original one:

[Image: IMG_3168b_zpsaf66dbf5.jpg]

New one:

[Image: IMG_3170b_zps36853884.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3178b_zps34d0f54b.jpg]

What wasn't expected was the visual impact. It really makes the layout looking larger. The overpass isn't no more a gimmick a a real thing. Also, many new picture shots angles appeared.

[Image: IMG_3186b_zpsbacf3e4d.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3189b_zpsab37cd7b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3192b_zpsc6e33c1d.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3198b_zpse64f2342.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3188b_zps71a9731e.jpg]

JWB: this one is for you! What is a GP30 doing in Quebec City!!! They never ventured farther than Winnipeg! Who cares! ;-) BTW, it was my first serious superdetailing job when in highschool... Lot of money spent on a HO Lionel shell! Still the original motor and running as fine as a coffee grinder can run!

[Image: IMG_3199b_zpsd9c460fd.jpg]

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/

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