Freelance 2014-1
Hi Reinhard,

I've been following this thread with interest and the techniques you've adopted are giving great results.

With regard to one or two little problems you've mentioned regarding side walls and further to some of the excellent suggestions already posted, I just wondered whether you'd be interested in the following: quite simply this involves scribing (with a needle or dart or other fine pointed instrument) the surface of one of those common or garden polystyrene food boxes or trays, like those in take away pizzas of burgers, to create the mortar courses of a stone, brick or concrete wall or whatever effect your trying to create. Then rub over the whole surface with a suede brush or other abrasive instrument to distress it. Then paint up in watercolours or other water based paints that won't attack the surface, before finally rubbing over with finely sieved ash from a fire to represent the mortar ( a dab of glue here and there in the courses might help it to adhere properly).

The results can then be glued to your card former using PVA (if you haven't done so already) remembering to place PVA on the reverse to prevent it all from warping (teaching my granny to suck eggs, no doubt, but just thought I'd mention it anyway!).

I've seen some excellent results with this, and I fully intend to adopt it - or at least give it a go - on my latest project.

If you do decide to give it a go, I'd be interested to see the results.

Happy New Year,


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