The Hjemstad Line
That's a very good question, Mike. I suppose it's because I can't decide on what I really want in my layout, and building it modular allows me to easily swap out parts of it whenever I want to. Plus, I have a dream of one day attending the bigger FREMO meetings, and I don't want my modules to be just stowed away and gathering dust inbetween meetings. I have a pretty good idea about how the scenery and ops should be, and I also have a finished modular layout plan. My problem is that I'm constantly over-analyzing and replanning, striving for another and better plan than the one I already have. This has always been my curse, paralysis by analysis, and I'm very aware of that. Wallbang

Anyway, after a good nights sleep my head is a little clearer, and I've decided to skip the double deck idea and go with my initial plan. My main goal now is to get the framework finished up to the point where I can lay some track and run my trains, if only temporary. Vigdis finished tracklaying her main line yesterday, and has already made several laps with one of her engines while troubleshooting and fixing some small issues. In fact she's down there right now, and watching her progress really gives me the urge to get going on my own layout! Smile

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