What made you choose....
Excellent topic!


Wisconsin Central was the first American railroad I modelled, and is still the focus of my main layout. The reason - prior to converting to American prototype modelling, I had always modelled UK railways in Cornwall, originally the Great Western Railway, then moving on to 'modern' modelling of the then current scene of the late 1980's and 1990's.

It was towards the end of this period that Ed Burkhart started freight operations in the UK as the company 'English Welsh and Scottish' or EWS as it was called. Locomotives were painted in an attractive maroon and gold .... I soon learnt that he was one of the founders of the modern Wisconsin Central, and after some investigation was hooked!


Modelling the Cornish railways, china clay, or kaolin as it is known in the USA was a key commodity, and due to its connections to paper production, I had learnt quite a bit about that industry. Once I started modelling the Wisconsin Central, it was the logical thing to model the paper producing areas of Wisconsin.


Such is life

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