The Layout..
Thanks for the great comments guys!

I purchased the chip cars at a show and was sorely disappointed when I got home and found out that Conrail did not have any such cars in their line up! Anyways, they were already perfectly color matched, they just begged for CR decals!

Rob I think I know what building you are talking about, it is on the corner of Ohio/Ganson(?) by the lift bridge? I've actually been in that building there - they sell "specialty woods". I had to pick up a truckload of Brazilian Walnut (?) and the stuff is HEAVY.

As for the layout, well, bit of a twist. I disassembled about half of it the other day. Couple of reasons; First I was getting tired of staring at the lack of progress. Second, I was growing annoyed with the layout configuration. Finally, I've just been really unmotivated to work on the layout. I went to the train show in Hamburg Saturday hoping to get a spark on inspiration but it was a no-go. I also tried rearranging the layout, but it took up too much space and was too awkward. At any rate, I graduate in little more than 2 months, and since I will probably be moving I suppose I'm just preparing for the inevitable.

Anywho, I'm going to try to keep accomplishing and posting some little building projects - cars, rolling stock, etc. Another idea I've been tossing around is joining a local club. We have two in our area, Buffalo RR Club and Niagara-Orleans Model RR Engineers. Not quite sure what membership entails, but NOMRE seems to have a modular layout, which if I could work on my own module, I think I would enjoy it a lot more than what I'm currently doing.

Here is the main album if you'd like to see some previous/other pictures

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- Dan

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