Building a modular home layout
Hi Bear,

I tried out several possible solutions on the computer to see what would fit:

- Helix in the lower right corner, with modules along the left and top walls, and a narrow shelf crossing the doorway at the lower wall.
- Two individual decks with continuous run, and a train elevator to move trains between the decks.
- Continuous run on both decks, with a nolix twice around the room, and a passing track about midway between the decks. I think this would have been the best solution of the three, using the least amount of space while at the same time allowing the trains to move non stop between the decks. There would, however, be some challenges securing the upper deck framework without the nolix getting in the way.

Anyway, after a lot of planning and re-planning back and forth, I decided to go with the Less is more approach. After all, being able to easily replace parts of the layout with new modules was one of the reasons I chose to build it modular in the first place, so I wouldn't need a larger layout to fit everything I wanted.

This weekend I did some of the framework, finished one wall and got started on another:

[Image: 3601_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 3603_w1200.jpg]

To the left is one of my old layout sections, built without any modular standard. These sections will be raised about 10cm (4") to fit the height of the FREMO modules, so they can be connected as part of the new layout.


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