How many from here have you met in person?
Let's see,
Sumpter250. came to visit me back around 2003 when I was in Wickenburg
Ray M (Marinaccio) was there at the same time as Sumpter250 and stopped by our new house after we moved to Surprise. Plus I've met him and his family several times at different train shows
I met Chief Eagles when he was here a few years ago for the grand opening of a Bass Pro Shop.
TrainNut and Woodone has been to my house several times and I've been to theirs and we've been to several shows together as well. TrainNut is on MRR hiatus for now, and Woodone has been busy doing DCC conversions, but does stop by here once in a while.
I met Nachoman at a train show and another time when we were exchanging a tour car.

That's all that I can think of for now.
Don (ezdays) Day
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