Freelance 2014-1
I think that the vote by the city council will be revisited. NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio wasn't a big fan of former mayor Michael Bloomberg's (aka The Grinch) changes around the city. These gates were installed by business owners almost overnight when the old accordian gates were ripped out by looters during the blackout of 1977 (aka - The Summer of Sam, Son of Sam that is). I typed in "storefront", "small business front", or "small storefront", but try "bodega". It's a convenience store, usually with Hispanic owners that tend to sell more beer than food. The food is usually past the sell by date.

I call Bloomberg The Grinch because my old TV started crapping out around Christmas. The picture had a green tint to it and when Bloomberg came on the TV, he looked like Dr. Seuss's The Grinch.
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.

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