Progress Shots
I wound up doing a full hard-wire DCC install on one of the Virginian Athearn units. I don't like full hard-wire when there's no basic PC board or headlight mount to help, but even though I dreaded doing this one, it seems to be turning out OK. The LED headlights, front and rear, worked right the first time:



The job of installing them in the shell was only moderately crazymaking:


I've stuck them in with CA and will let them get good and dry before I put the shell on. I'm also dreading the job of stuffing all the wires in wthout having them foul the motor.

I'm only aware of two DVDs with shots of original Virginian diesels. One has a head-on shot of one of the 1600 hp units in service -- the headlight is on and very, very bright. I'm happy with the bright-white LEDs I'm using here. One of the big reasons I'm going to DCC is to get the headlight control.

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