Missing "Reply" buttons
Russ Bellinis Wrote:Don,
I don't think you even want to know about this, but with my ongoing problem of having a white screen instead of the Big Blue background, if I open Big Blue on IE instead of Firefox, the reply button disappears along with the "quote', "report", and "edit" buttons. I think my problem is specific to some strange setting that I haven't found in my computer, though rather than a board problem.
Yeah, I can force my browser to do the same things, and the buttons are there, they are just white on white so you can't see them. I wish I could help you beyond what I've already tried, but that's all I can do for now. It is still a possibility that someone cannot have a "reply" button because they have been inadvertently cut off from replying. That can be changed if I knew it was happening and to whom, although it would be unusual to say the least since we grant the same permissions to all members and to most all forums.
Don (ezdays) Day
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