painted mountain
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:Spring comes early out west...Huh?

Actually it depends on location. The mountains out here around LA are still snow covered. In fact if you watched the Nascar race in Fontana on Sunday they showed back ground shots of our mountains during the race and I would estimate that the snow level was down to about 3,000 feet. On the other hand, the desert is different. My wife's mother was originally from New Foundland. I often joke with her that New Foundland's four seasons are spring=June, summer=July, and fall =August, the rest of the year is winter. Winter in the desert probably consists of a week in December or January a really bad winter might last 2 weeks. The car club I'm in did a cruise in the middle of January to the Anza-Borego Desert. The temperature at Borego Springs on Jan 18 was mid 80's

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