Catt Wrote:Question for you to ponder.Lets say company I pays their employees to mold all the parts for their cars RTR and kits.They then pay other employees to sort and pack these cars (with trucks and couplers) in boxes for shipping.Then they pay more employees to load these onto pallets and shrink wrap the pallets.Then they pay more employees to load these pallets of cars into a container.They then pay a trucking company to haul the container to a Intermodal yard,a railroad to haul said container to a port.They then pay a shipping company to ship the container to a certain Asian country where they pay workers to assemble these cars.They then pay a trucking company to return the container to port,a shipping company to ship the container back to the USA.Once again pay the railroad to bring the container back to the intermodal yard where it is transported by truck back to their company where they pay employees to unload the container and move product into their warehouse where once again they pay more employees to ship this product to their distributors.

The real question is "Why is this cheaper than paying an American a living wage to assemble ,package ,and ship this product ?"

This question brought to you by the curiosity of one old Catt. Eek

A heck of a good question. Personally, I don't see how it could be. Shoot - I'd assemble them in my garage for a minimum wage just to be part of the hobby, and I suspect there are others who feel te same. 8-)

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