New York Cross Harbor RR Alcos
Recieved the decals for the NY & Atlantic... was so excited I didn't check carefully and received the sets for the old tesl green paint scheme and not the new black & green scheme....must reorder....

practiced with some Testor's sky blue and grabber blue on a Hustler Switcher...didn't cut the mustard....stripped in back to original...Not sure if it was you, but there was information on line where Tamaya Medium and Light blue was used for NY CH RR...Will give that a shot next...the striping on the NY & Atlantic decal set will be cut up to delineate between the two blues and along the base of the frame....

Do thank you again for the tip for the Highball graphics website....

Still trying to figure out how to send the photo of the scratchbuilt enginehouse for NY & Atlantic...Appears I need to post the photos somewhere else and then pull in the site via the url....tried again below

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