How many from here have you met in person?
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:Well, I'm also in the Gauge trip picture, so I've met w8jy, doctorwayne, CN Nutbar, e-paw & son, ngauger, tomustang. In fact, I've met E-paw and Tomustang a couple times.

I also met Steamtrayn at some of the RPMs I've been to. Twilight is a member of the same club as me. I made sure to stop at Lester Perry's open house this year as well.

If by "Steamtrayn" you mean me (Steamtrains) I believe you're confused...I've never been to an RPM (don't know what that is...), or been east of the Mississippi...

I'm sorry to say I've never personally met with any of the friends here... Nope
Gus (LC&P).

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