Yesterday I received this email from Stein's widow and she asked me to share it with you all:

Quote:Hi, Andrew -

I noticed that you had some email correspondence with my late husband, Stein. I know the forum heard about his death, but I thought I'd just drop you a line.

In October we passed the one-year mark. It was a year with many firsts - first Christmas without Stein, first summer vacation without Stein, etc. The year generally went okay, but it hasn't been easy and I miss him more each day.

People on the forum naturally wondered how he died. It happened suddenly in the night, and the symptoms point to a blood clot in the lung. There was no autopsy. He had had a tough time that fall, with problems in both legs - gout, injury and infection in a series of combinations. He'd get a little better, than worse again. For a few days, he even needed a wheelchair, So much inactivity, combined with a knee injury, probably created the conditions for the blood clot.

That fall he did a lot of working from home, either sitting or lying down in bed. The weekend he died, he actually seemed better. He had been to work on Friday for the first time in a couple weeks (though his co-workers thought he should have stayed home). He was also pottering around outside on the porch that weekend. So it came as a shock when he called out for me in the middle of the night. I was able to talk to him for awhile before he collapsed waiting for the ambulance. The neighbor and I tried CPR but to no avail.

Feel free to share this on the forum if you'd like, and thank everyone for their messages of sympathy back in 2012.

I hope all is well with you and yours.



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