doctorwayne Wrote:More often than not, most, if not all of the parts are being manufactured and assembled in that certain Asian country. As noted, labour is cheap, environmental and worker safety standards mostly non-existent, and most consumers don't seem to be deterred by the prices. The true cost, though, as you note, is in higher unemployment rates in North America plus that fact that much of the pollution created during manufacturing doesn't stay where it was created, while much of the money does stay.
Despite what our governments tell us, free trade comes at a high cost - it's gutted manufacturing here in Canada. In my lifetime, we've gone from a country pretty-well self-sufficient (except for bananas and citrus fruit Misngth ) to one dependent on other countries for most of our consumer goods and much of our food. With "global warming", we'll soon be able to grow those bananas and perhaps by then we'll be that "certain North America country" with the low wages and non-existent standards.
As for automobiles, I believe foreign brands are allowed a greater market presence if they have manufacturing facilities here, although free trade agreements may nullify that requirement. Much of the auto industry survives here in Canada due to government grants to "create" employment. Wallbang


What's even more frustrating is that those people responsible for doing all this are rewarded with obnoxiously high salaries, bonuses and perks. For every dollar they save the company, they may get to take home two dollars for themselves. Then when the company goes broke, the feds step in with loans so they can keep their booty without risking anything, or doing more work or even creating more jobs. Curse
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