Retire Where???
FiatFan Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:more rattlesnakes than cars on the road
This is why you won't find me as a permanent resident of the south or west. I have a pathological fear of snakes of any kind.

While traveling in Texas we pulled into a rest area. Among the signs was "Watch out for snakes." I'm pretty sure they weren't talking about garter snakes. Then you enter the rest room and all around the base are 6" openings, perfect little snake doggie doors. Have you ever tried taking care of business while your head is spinning like the girl in "The Exorcist"?

Don't rule out the East either..You can find timber rattlesnakes and Northern copperheads here in Ohio..Where I live we have a 2-3 ' rattlesnake called a massasauga and 30 miles to the East you can find the timber rattlers and copperheads..

Summerset Ry

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