How much can we justify spending?
Well, I won't be purchasing either version of the mine shovel. If I were to spend six grand I'd expect the model to be fully operational and actually unearth valuable minerals from my plaster hills. Smile I'm a budget conscious modeler who believes you should be able to have fun w/o breaking the bank. For example, I've made decisions about not needing to have DCC and sound equipped locos but I fully appreciate how many folks see those as standard nowadays...I sure do enjoy viewing videos of layouts with sound equipped locos and will admit to some envy.

Over the last few years I've spent about $50-60.00 a piece on some Bachmann units that have run well and I purchased a couple of ATLAS locos second-hand that are wonderful. My most expense diesel is a PK2 SD9 that was just over $100 when I bought it a few years ago.. I have a few Athearn Blue Box units that were less than $40.00 when I bought them in the 1980's and 90's. Some of them are getting tired but I think replacing some parts may bring them back to life. I think grades on my mainline have taken their toll on some of my roster. Much of my rolling stock is either old Tyco cars I've been upgrading and Athearn cars I purchased for $5.00 or less a pop at flea markets. Sometimes I'd like to get some nice looking coil cars but I can't bring myself to spend over $30 on one car.

The other thing I compromised about was signals and automated crossing guards. I'd love to include working details like that but they seem so cost prohibitive. Again, I love seeing them work on other people's layout videos though....

I won't cast any aspersions at folks who can afford to spend more money on their hobby. If you can do it...good for you! For me some of the pleasure of the hobby comes from finding inexpensive alternatives that I find good enough for my own enjoyment.

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