B&O 26th Street Terminal
After my last layout and module before that had to be dismantled (both due to moving) in their very early stages, I decided to start planning my options for a new HO layout that will be able to move with me. I've always had an interest in New York harbor railroads but needed one that was pretty compact without the complex track work and I thought B&O's 26th st terminal is just what i'm looking for. It serves itself with one Alco S1 and a float bridge all in 1 city block. I found an article specifically on this terminal in HO scale <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://trainlife.com/magazines/pages/284/21128/september-1999-page-14">http://trainlife.com/magazines/pages/28 ... 99-page-14</a><!-- m -->. The track plan on page 14 is supposedly 5x8 which I thought would be plenty of space. The era of the layout will be the late 60's and this is how the terminal was arranged at that time. [Image: bo26trackmap1966_zps5d77f6c8.jpg]
My idea is to have the yard and 12th avenue in the 5x8 foot print with a lift out carfloat and bridge. I downloaded a free track plan cad but the plan I came up with doesn't seem like it fits at all, yet the plan in the TrainLife article seems to fit pretty well. This is my extremely rough plan with my little experience using these programs. [Image: 26st_zps59bd4165.png]
I reduced the 5 tracks in the lower right hand corner of the yard to 4 and the length of the track in the top right corner quite a bit and still doesn't seem to fit in a 5x8 space which I thought wasn't going to be a problem. The 2 tracks in the top left corner would be the lead to the float bridge but there needs to be a double crossover (I couldn't find one in the track library) as well as a run around or else this yard is unoperational, the engine would be trapped in sidings. I put some painters tape on the floor in 5x8 formation and mocked up some track and switches and it seems like there should be plenty of room for this terminal. I'm thinking about bringing the actual map to Kinkos or something like that and have them print it out on a 5x8 sheet of paper including everything to the right of the seawall, not sure what it would cost but it might be a better option for me then the track programs. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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