Florida ISL - Ocala
If the railroad had a runaround to serve a customer, then wouldn’t they use the runaround?
Depends but,if we was returning later we would switch that industry on the return trip.
As a old PRR conductor once told me(yeah,I asked) "Sonny,there's no need to do the extra work..We gotta come right by this here industry on our way back..We will switch it then.I hated being called "sonny" by the older heads but,that was the way back then.

Now,if that industry was the last work we had to do then yes,we would make the runaround,do the work and head back to the terminal.

Now here's another railroad secrete we can surely use in our model operations..If the conductor was being a bonehead and going for overtime we would do the extra work of making that runaround although we didn't need too..

On another note about service..If we had a heavy local then we may outlaw before we completed the day's work..The local would sit on the urban industrial lead till the next day.

Of course the rail customers that needed their cars was none to please.

Summerset Ry

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