Freelance 2014-2
It is spring and I wanted to have some green on my layout. The last days have been used to do some green ground cover. Todays topic are some shrubs.

I combined two sources.
The small ready build shrubs (sample at the right) and flock of clump foliage mixed with white glue (sample in the foreground).
The ready build shrubs look much better when they get "stuffed" from the bottom with foliage. A final shrub is at the left side on the photo.
[Image: IMG_3195_zpsd664510e.jpg]
This is an example from last year with the ready build shrubs only.
[Image: file_zpse15faec0.jpg]

Some more after planting shrubs all day. The small shrubs at the fence are foliage only.
[Image: IMG_3197_zps69565364.jpg]
[Image: IMG_3196_zps48bec156.jpg]
[Image: IMG_3198_zpsededd613.jpg]
[Image: IMG_3199_zpsf63cf81c.jpg]

ps. The ground cover was in bad shape after switching forth and back between sandy west to green east coast scenarios. Some of the green ground cover did bleed out with the white glue and water mix and left ugly green traces in the sand ground cover. It was time to do some serious update.

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