Going to Europe - Germany & Czech Republic
Last for Noch are some layout pictures. They sell several different styles of injection-molded shells that form the structure of a small layout. I didn't measure, but I'd guess they were 1m x 2m. These seem to be very popular in Europe, which makes sense given the smaller spaces. The shells come bare, very lightly scenicked (a thin ground foam), or if you want, they will completely scenic the layout, lay the track (your choice of European Smile vendor) and wire it. My friend has sold one of the latter and reports back that it was VERY nicely done.

There's something to be said for this way of building a trainset - you're more likely to get it done, for one Icon_lol , and in my case the pre-design removes a lot of layout design paralysis! 35


This second layout picture I'm including partly because of the roundhouse in the background, which is a kit constructed of something similar to artist board. Up close, the detail is not what I'd like, but it is perfect for something set back, and of course could be detailed. I asked about plans for an American prototype - none in the works at this time...


Last, look how CUTE those structural 1X2's are! 357


Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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