Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
The Good Folk of the Republic awoke to stormy skies and torrential rain this morning, however, a rather large parcel full of good ol' Texas sunshine arrived, soon after, in the morning post to lighten the existential gloom.

Well, the weather eventually abated so I seized the earliest opportunity to take her outside and capture one or two piccies of her saucy little lines.

Fellow Gaugers, may I present to you the mainstay of motive power on 'District 22' in the form of this fine little lady:


Now, for those who may have been following this rather slap dash chronicle of table top layout building, you may remember that I'd intended to purchase a CF7u since I first learned of them, although this was proving a little more difficult than first thought as Athearn - the original manufacturer as I understand - had discontinued the range. I'd seacrched high and low looking for a used version, but on the odd occasion I discovered one (they're like hens' teeth to get hold of), I'd always just missed the boat. JWB kindly offered some solace with his posting of Athearn's future intentions to rerelease them, currently sometime towards the end of the year but possibly early 2015. This also involved me having to fork out the princely sum of £135 to secure one from a dealer in the South of England: not that I'm complaining about the price, just the thought having to wait so long. Anyway, one problem with this solution - having interrogated Athearn's website - was that the new release was to have the angular cab, however, from the photo I'd seen of the loco actually working the Patch, it appeared to have a curved cab. Looking at one or two of the models that had been for sale on the 'net, I noticed that Athearn had produced a curved cab, although these all appeared to be in the earlier 'pin stripe (?)' livery.

So, what a stroke of luck when one final search revealed the loco you see above: a curved roofed version in warbonnet livery, lurking on the shelves of 'Planomodel products 'of Texas - an excellent proprietor offering a first class service (usual disclaimer.....). And all for the competitive price of just under sixty dollars plus shipping.

As we've not been together long, all I can say is that I admire her excellent finish and livery; and as for those separately applied rails and grab holds....... I really shall enjoy getting to know her better.

Just a shame that I'm going to have spoil her finish before she can be let loose along the brick canyon (when I've built it!); or perhaps I should be positive and say 'enhance' her. Better get practising with that airbrush Wink


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