Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)

Just another brief update, if I may, to show I've not been a state of total inertia.

First of all, I'd like to say that this update has not only provided me with an education in modelling but also the use of technology: having only just got used to using my daughter's all singing, all dancing, compact camera, blow me down; didn't I just happen to go and drop the bl**dy thing whilst preparing a couple of shots for you. Needless to say, the zoom lens is now stuck out, and despite sourcing some useful advice from the 'net, well, it's still stuck out. No choice but to get it repaired :oops: She was very good about it, though. I've always been clumsy I'm afraid, and she's well used to me.

Anyway as a last resort - apart from my phone, which I can just about send texts with having had it for about five years and am still unable to take photos with (I could with my previous one but guess what? yes, you've guessed it, I broke that too Nope ) I turned to my brand new i pad (?) - well it's Apple, anyway, not to be confused with my lap top which is apparently Micro-something-or-other, in particular the photography part of it, as I was told it could take piccies as well, when given it by my wife for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. Problem was, I had to wait for my daughter to come in from work to assist as I'd absolutely no idea how you connect one to the other (I know it's probably unnecessary but I'm used to downloading onto the lap top; I'm easily confused!). Turns out you use the cable for charging it. Clever, hey? I didn't bother asking my son as he just gives me that contemptuous look whenever I ask him anythi ng remotely computer orientated. Boys, hey. Actually, he's an adult; but you get what I mean. Thank goodness for the girls Thumbsup

Anyway, having figured out how you capture the odd image or two - quite simple as it turns out as (like the camera) it does all the work for you - still managed to get it the wrong way round though :? - I hope you think it was all worth it. BTW, I've left out the one that shows my bare feet in the corner; not a pretty sight.


Regards for now,


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