Progress Shots
I covered the culvert casting in kitchen plastic wrap (a very useful thing for several kinds of scenery work) and surrounded it with plaster cloth for the new hardshell:


When the plaster cloth dries, I can pull the culvert casting out, unwrap it, and glue it in, without getting any wet plaster on it. Then I'll add "ground goop" to the area.

However, making this much progress on small scenery areas has encouraged me to go back to what's probably the biggest unfinished area on the layout (though there are others almost as bad). This is gap between the upper level main line climbing to "East Portal" of "Moffat Tunnel" and the wall. This is what it looks like now, with some preliminary stuff clamped in place for this project:


This area is immediately above and to the left of the coal mine-bridge challenge I undertook two years ago. That area looks like this:


So my object will be to fill this gap with appropriate scenery and work it in along with the coal mine-bridge scene.

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