Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
Got it in one, Jack 357

Thought the same thing myself when I saw the photos, Reinhard.

It's actually just a mid grey acrylic primer but the fluorescent 'dayglo' tube makes it look blue, which is another reason why I think I'll ditch it for an ordinary white fluorescent .

As I say, Reinhard, it's just a primer to help the paint adhere to the sides of the rail. It probably would have been unnecessary if I'd chosen to use 'neat' paint straight from the tin, but I want to try washes of colour again to get an uneven rust colour to the rails and I reckon that with the amount of spirit I intend to use, it would just collect in droplets, much like water paints on wax paper.

That's the idea anyway. Time will tell if it works or not.

Thank you both for looking in.


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