The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
The hottest day of the year here so far at 92 degrees, keep in mind we had an extended winter weather pattern this year. Oh and in Ohio when it goes from hot in the day to cool at night we have severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. They mostly come at us here from the south west heading north east. Xenia Ohio seems to get hit the most. Twice in my life time I had been caught outside in a tornado once as a toddler about 4ish that time I remember the sky had turned an unusually gold brown color it was very spooky out but sisters grabbed me took inside to the basement. The other time I was at a state park camping as a teen parents were grilling it got so dark that you could not see more than 2 feet away and the air was kinda heavy but still we all grabbed ahold of a post on the picnic shelter as the only low laying spot was a drainage ditch that went down to a creek. After it was done and over the park ranger was making the rounds and was surprised to find us in the shelter eating our diner. I got lucky twice do not intend be caught outside in any kind of storm a third time, tornados are not to be taken lightly and are very unpredictable.

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