The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
ezdays Wrote:Wow, and I just got our first summer power bill, $262.51, Icon_twisted :cry: I'm guessing that it can only go up from there, at least until October...
I got mine last week. $66. It'll probably get up close to $100 at the hottest part of the summer. Part of that is I constantly have a lot of electronic stuff going including at least one vintage computer system.


Good morning. It's 80° with 78% humidity. The high will be 92° and sunny with a small chance of rain.
[Image: cond026.gif] with [Image: cond20.jpg]

This morning I decided it was high time I print an up to date listing of my Apple SD cards. I also wanted a look that would be in keeping with the age of the //e. So I used the ImageWriter II dot matrix printer. The result is five pages that have the look and feel of a bygone age. There's just no way to get either the look or feel of a document printed on a dot matrix printer with today's inkjet printers. A Laser printer may be capable of producing the look but it can't produce the feel of the impact of the pins.

No plans for today other than the usual. Watching a movie or two, playing some old computer games or as my friend David says prehistoric games.

I won't be here tomorrow morning. I have a doctors appointment in Oakdale. That's about an eighty mile trip then there's the wait in the waiting room, the time with the doc and however long it takes for him to do what he has to do then the trip back. Knowing my father he's going to want to get breakfast on the way there and get lunch on the way back so that's moire time. So I should be back home sometime in the afternoon.

That's all for now.

[Image: DSCN6490.jpg]

[Image: P1010001-57.jpg]

[Image: 253-1.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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