The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Well I'm up earlier than the planned 6am wake-up. The wound vac dressing started fouling up last night. About 2:15 the vac unit started sounding off various alarms. I'd reset it and it'd just sound off again five to ten minutes later. I even resorted to cutting the film away from the dressing and re-sheeting it. No joy there. So it must be a blockage where the suction head picks up from the filter. Only way to correct that is to remove everything and go all new. Can't do it as I don't have any of the supplies here. All that stuff is kept at my fathers place as that's where the nurse changes the dressing.

Now that I'm up it's not sounding off so much but if I lay back down it'll go crazy. Not my first rodeo with these things. Tired as I am I couldn't get back to sleep no matter how badly I want too. So might as well do my morning post.

Good morning. It's 73° with 96% humidity. Looks like it'll be somewhat cloudy with a high of 92°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg]

Just waiting for the alarm to go off. It's set for 6:00. That'll give me two hours to prepare for the trip to Oakdale. Glad I won't be driving. The doc I'll be seeing is a good one and he doesn't give me a prescription for anything unless I absolutely need it. So many others try to load their patients up with stuff they don't need. I've had a few of those and I always changed to another doc at the earliest opportunity. One of the things I look for is can I understand the doc. Accent is a big factor. The way my hearing works is that everything I hear is just jumbled up noise that I have to translate into something that sounds like normal speech. Lip reading goes into that a bit too. Between what I can decode of the speech and what I can see I usually get it right. Talking to someone on the phone I get about seventy-five percent of it if it's clear. If the person has a heavy accent forget it. I'll get about four words in ten. This makes learning another language hard but not impossible. I've done it several times.

Well, time to get on with the day.

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15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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