The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VII.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, a dim-looking day outside. Some forecasters call for a low chance of rain (10-20%) today and from the looks of it outside, that could happen. Maybe it's our first monsoon storm of the season...... We are around our 125th day without a trace of rain, #5 on the list. #1 is 160 days and we're hoping we don't beat that record. Nope

Thanks to that large fire up in Oak Creek Canyon a few weeks ago, the whole area is now closed from recreational activities. All campgrounds are closed, no hiking or camping anywhere, even the picnic areas are shut down for now, all due to the flooding potential. I hate wildfires, especially those that were started by humans, some accidental, some intentional, but all of them are careless. When our kids were young enough, we used to go camping in Oak Creek several times during the summer. We quit that a long time ago when the thought of sleeping on the ground or a cot and going days without a shower became more than we could handle. We still stop by some of those campground when we go up to Sedona, but I guess we won't be doing that this year. Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
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