Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
Whilst waiting for the plaster to dry on the extension I've done a bit of work on some buildings for the street running section. The plan is to throw together a load of card mock ups and then place them around until I find something I'm happy with, then finish off the buildings I plan on using with brickpapers and such. All of them are made from the scratch set downloads from - excellent aids they are too!

Firstly, "Wooty's Bar". Astute readers might spot that the bar has no front window - this is because I plan to board it up, as if someone or something broke it in a bar room brawl! Smile

[Image: 20140724_111007_7_bestshot-1_zps733392d6.jpg]

Secondly, the Sears Greenview design two story house.

[Image: 20140728_151727_6_bestshot-1_zps54a3b1e9.jpg]

Cheap and cheerful scratchbuild projects these, and have been products of a few lunch breaks with a knife and some card. Big Grin

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