My first Scratch Build.
I vote for see-through. I kitbashed a Walther's interlocking tower (you can see the pics either at the Kitbashing HO Structures Yahoo Group or on a thread over at that other Z forum) and made the stairs see-through. The model on the box cover/lid showed air under the steps, but the kit came with a solid single piece of injection molded plastic.

It was easy enough to slice off two long slices of the stairs to make stringers. These were glued inside the boards that run up the outside of the stairs, and scale stripwood was added to make the steps themselves.

Not sure if that helps.

I've been sealing the walls, etc. for my little tower with Krylon gray primer. One thing this project has showed me is that I want to learn more about finishing the card to look like other materials (like concrete slab, sheet metal or grainy wood, etc.). I'm guessing sealing and sanding and sealing and sanding may have something to do with it. Managing the fuzz seems to be the issue.

Those rafters are looking great!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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