End Of a Era.
Re: End Of a Era.

"I was also pretty unhappy to hear Carstens went under. Though I never subscribed, RMC seemed to be the only magazine with articles I could really get into. In fact, they published a lot of NJ Transit related articles, as well as good articles on modeling specific prototypes.

Model Railroader doesn't really seem to carry the same kinds of articles, though Model Railroad Hobbyist does occaisionally.

As useful as the internet is for research, its not always 100% useful. Sure, If I ask a small technical question, I'll get an answer. But if I ask about how to super-detail a given engine, or about modeling a particular structure, I suspect forum responses would not be as useful. Most people don't maintain lists of detail parts for specific engines, nor do they have the scale drawings that these magazines tended to print."

There is probably not a New Jersey Transit historical society, but if there is join it. Also is there a Yahoo Group focused on either the NJT, or commuter lines in general? If so, join. I belong to the Santa Fe Historical & Modeling Society as well as a Santa Fe Yahoo Group. I receive emails from about 4 or 5 Yahoo Groups. Much of the email traffic is not of interest to me, but it is easy to delete. If I have a question about any subject covered by the various Yahoo Groups, I can ask that group, and typically get an answer right away from folks on the group.

For instance, recently a member who is detailing a P2K Alco PA for Santa Fe wanted to know if there was a kit for the correct Leslie 5 chime horn. He had found kits for the Nathan 5 chime horn, but not the Leslie. Another member responded with the part number and manufacturer of the kit. When the o.p. mentioned that the horns all faced forward on the Leslie 5 chime and the Santa Fe had two facing the rear, the one who had given the information came back to tell the o.p. what size drill to open up the holes and that the kit was made to allow the horns to be mounted in either direction to match the prototype.

Just a word of warning. Yahoo has been susceptible to hacking in the past. I don't use a Yahoo email account and I am careful about what I open from Yahoo. I also keep an up to date ativirus and firewall on my computer.

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