Wyoming valley super Mike kitbash
Thanks all...I have removed the damaged gear tower and gear from the striped driver. I should have the new tower in tomorrow. With the holiday weekend coming up it will become my labor day project to get the driver repaired and reinstalled with the new gear tower Thumbsup . I will just have to get Toptrain to ship the NWSH Quarter from the Anna lines shop over in Jersey to get that finished. I the meantime,, I also redid the pickups on the insulated drivers. My first version was built from KD coupler springs, it was the first time I tried this method and was not too happy with the results. They were unsoldered and brass wire used in it's place. I also removed the broken screw from the crank.

The front pilot of the engine has had the torch (soldering iron) put to it. The foot board on the right was missing so a new one was bent from brass and rivets were punched into it before soldering it into place. The hole for the front coupler needs some straightening up, it's a little out of kilter.    

With this done I resoldered the pilot deck onto the assembly as well. The steps that go up to the walkways were removed and saved so that I can lengthen them for the new running board location. I also used solder to fill in all the holes left in the deck from the unnecessary details that I removed. I also filled in the polling pockets with solder as they were in the wrong place and half covered by the footboards. I will replace them latter    

 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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