Question re 6-wheeled trucks/bogies
Rob: these cars look like the CNR 5200 series (5283-5307), They ran on 6 wheel trucks. Built 1942. As coaches, these came between the clerestory-roofed cars and the smooth-sided "streamlined" cars of the 50s. I remember riding in these cars, often on fan trips. They had a large ladies retiring room with a couch (and the washroom off of that).
The length may be a bit short, but the body style is reminiscent. I wouldn't worry about scale length until you have a larger layout.
If they're running all right on the sharp curves, I would worry more about the track. There may be a bit of tweaking you can do on the trucks -- check if they sit flat on the rails or rock about the middle axle.
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Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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