Question re 6-wheeled trucks/bogies
Walthers, "Athearn coupler" conversion kit, PN 933-997, $5.98, is the same coupler assembly used on the Walthers auto racks. I used them on my kitbash auto racks, that started with the Athearn 89' flats (with the long arm coupler mount). I couldn't run my racks with the Walthers ones, without derailments. Once my racks got the conversion kits, I no longer had that problem.
My CNW/Metra coaches, kitbashed from Rivarossi smooth side coaches, still have a dreailment problem, and that's with 4 wheel trucks. I suspect that the "offset bolster" actually causes the wheels on the "long end" to try to move farther than those on the "short end". Same with the six wheel trucks. I would expect better performance if the bolster was directly above the middle axle.
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