All change.... new start
I realise it’s over a year since I posted anything on this thread. The layout is slowly progressing as I hope the photos show.

[Image: P1000055_zpsb8b5b1c4.jpg]

I have completed the PCC Logistics warehouse. The building is based on the prototype in Seattle <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",-122.3331057,3a,75y,354.43h,76.18t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sfVEJFs5DaZGuLOuZCQIVlQ!2e0?hl=en"> ... !2e0?hl=en</a><!-- m --> . I didn’t have space to model the full building so rather than model the plain front I decided to model the entrance side instead. It is reversed so that the entrance is not next to the ramp.

[Image: 8e226f84-e3e8-4a6a-872b-54ea8416f8e0_zpsde0678d2.jpg]
[Image: PCC-Logistics-14a_zpse598a0b2.jpg]
[Image: P1020508a_zpsa58d3c8d.jpg]
[Image: P1000035_zpsb1b54170.jpg]
[Image: P1000053_zpsd012f75f.jpg]

The building is about 3 feet long. I had to reinforce the long wall with a piece of aluminium angle. Sides are made from Evergreen metal siding sheet. The roof was made from lots of Pikestuff roof panels glued to a sub-roof beneath (..just don’t ask how many kits I needed...!!).

[Image: P1000037_zpsf9475c0d.jpg]

The protective barriers are free-lanced as I couldn’t get a good photo of what was really there.

More to follow soon

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