Early layout planning ISL
Thanks shortliner. I can't claim too much uniqueness for the plan as it has was inspired/plagiarised by Kurt's 58th street and another modeller's zone 4 Lubbock (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://thestagingyard.wordpress.com/category/inspiration/">http://thestagingyard.wordpress.com/cat ... spiration/</a><!-- m -->). Both however have the benefit of a 12ft straight...

I had a thought last night to try putting scale freight cars and locos on that plan to check exactly what it will support. I'm pretty sure I got the continuation of the main in the left long enough to switch the industry spur to the right by the disconnected parallel track. That was intentional to have that disused rail and industry ceasing rail service.

Today I think I may lay out some turnouts and track on the living room floor to see how it looks. I would like to order some ply modules in time for delivery at Christmas as I have two weeks off work to put them together.

UK Engineering fan, from the tiny artistically engineered to the huge and powerful

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