Good things come in narrow packages
RIver thoughts...where there's water there's life; at least that's what NASA keeps telling us. What I mean to say is, as you know, in the midwest there are often more native trees & shrubs along creeks and rivers. If you go with the perpendicular approach, you could use a canopy of trees to conceal the joint where water meets backdrop.

And another thought - how about a little public works project? I've seen some fine examples of locks, dams and spillways for creeks & waterways.

Wayne - I never tire of seeing your layout. You are right, perspective is everything. Steve, if your perspective on the layout is mainly from on high, then choose a way to blend it to the backdrop that takes advantage of your viewing angle.

And don't forget distraction. Put a nice little mini-scene like people fishing (WS has some neat fisherfolk in their latest offerings) or some good ole boys hooking a tow truck up to their pickup which has run off the bank into the river. Something that will make people stop and say "wow, neat" and only the nitpickers like us folks on The Gauge will look for the joint. Between the wall and the river, that is. Like magicians watching another magician. When you know how it's done you look at the technique and execution.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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