Dilemma HO layout plan
My designer had some second thoughts as well and I received a revised plan this morning.

"As you had probably guessed, I wasn't totally happy with the design because I thought it was just going to be too hard to operate. I didn't think there was enough car storage and the switching leads were just too short to easily switch the industries along the south wall.

After thinking about it more over the last 2 days, I wanted to solve some of those problems. So I rearrange the track and now the Sydport branch can be used as a swicth lead and now both the passing track and storage track can be fully used to hold cars. I also eliminated the crossover and the switch back. I was also able to lengthen the pulpwood track a bit and give you 2 more industries which now adds gondolas to the mix of cars.

There was a scrap yard at Sydport where ships were cut-up and it did have tracks on the property, but I'm not sure if it ever shipped by rail. I wasn't sure of the name, so I used the Hashem name which is a junk yard in Sydney that used to ship by rail. I called the other industry I added the Ogilive Flour mill, which was once located in Sydney River and served by rail. It receives bulk four and bags it for local distribution."


Modeling a freelanced, present day short line set in Nova Scotia, Canada. 


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