Hobbycal Decal Paper
Ralph Wrote:I can concur with Don's statement about matching black. I tried making white letter decals for black hoppers and the decal black was much deeper and shiner than the hopper sides. I tried using weathering chalks to mask the difference but it was a no go.
Having never tried this process, my first though is, spray a clear flat ( like dullcote ) over the car side, any decal "shine", should almost vanish.
Even with the Alps printer and their white ribbons, there is still shine to the decal film.

The ' Shinnecock Hills Lumber Company ' decals on the 2-6-6-2T, and caboose, were done with the Alps printer.

The lack of replacement Alps white ribbons, and the expense, make using "white background" decal paper, and an ink jet printer a viable option. Just one question: I print the background ( car/loco/whatever ) color first, then select "white" for the font color and print the letters.......does this second step "remove" the first color , where the letters are ?, so the white background can be seen.
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