Help matching CSAO ballast color
Not really the colour I was after but here are some photos of my piece of test track where I have been trying out a few methods of weathering ties and rail. It needs more work but I'm quite pleased with it so far. I will be distressing the ties more with a blade, creating more variety in the tie colors, spacing ties out more, adding rail bars, adding oil stains etc. I will experiment more with rusty rail and tie plates for the less used parts of the layout.

Any comments and advice appreciated.

Athearn Genesis GP40-2 creeping into view...

[Image: imagejpg1_zps0e2ed6fd.jpg]

Happy with the basic color of the ties. Yes I know I have stray ballast particles, it's not actually cemented yet.

[Image: imagejpg4_zpscecf9d9d.jpg]
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